
NW Oklahoma News

Friday, February 21, 2025

Amount of taxpayer-funded subsidies plummet in cities associated with Beaver County in 2021

Webp haytractor

Adobe Stock

Adobe Stock

Farms throughout cities in Beaver County received $7.2 million less in subsidies in 2021 from the U.S. Department of Agriculture compared to the year before.

In 2021, 394 farmers in cities within Beaver County received a total of $7.6 million in 942 farm subsidies, a 48.7% decrease compared to 2020, when the total was $14.8 million in 1,236 farm subsidies.

Though farm subsidies support agriculture in the U.S., pumping $7 trillion into the economy, they are not without controversy.

The American Action Forum discovered that the most highly subsidized crops - corn, soy, wheat, and rice - are often consumed in highly processed ways, which leads to unhealthy eating habits and obesity, while the fruits and vegetables needed for a healthy diet are rarely subsidized.

"We are consuming more calories, fats, sodium, and sugars, and not enough beneficial nutrients and vitamins," Tara O'Neill Hayes wrote. "It is critical that both policymakers and the American public understand the influence that federal agricultural subsidies have on our food supply and diet and, in turn, our nutrition and health."

Farm subsidies have also been criticized for assisting the highest-earning agricultural businesses, not local farmers on their family farms who are barely getting by.

Kimberly Amadeo of The Balance said farmer subsidies "help high-income corporations, not poor rural farmers. Most of the money goes toward large agribusinesses."

The U.S. has provided farm subsidies since the Great Depression to assist farmers who weather price fluctuations and disasters, to help maintain consistent farming across the country.

Farmers and Their Subsidies in Cities Associated with Beaver County, Year Over Year
FarmerTotal Received in 2020Total Received in 2021% Difference
J & J Farms$1,665,932$318,165-80.9%
Britt Preston Hilton$307,964$302,994-1.6%
Radcliff Farms$717,403$207,189-71.1%
Graves Farms, LLC$274,689$154,772-43.7%
Maple Yl Ranch, LLC$220,620$138,239-37.3%
Lonnie L. Bailey$121,702$126,0823.6%
Bernard D. Smith$138,004$121,127-12.2%
Ronald L Chaloupek$56,454$117,152107.5%
Bradley D. Peters$228,648$116,501-49%
Leon G. Richards$146,919$105,697-28.1%
Nick Kroeker$253,920$104,276-58.9%
Circle Diamond Ranch, LLC$21,548$101,558371.3%
Terryland Farms$160,720$88,593-44.9%
Beverly Ann Richards$146,761$87,645-40.3%
Kyle Taylor$218,748$86,653-60.4%
Emmett Bennett$115,377$86,504-25%
Hamilton Farms$164,063$85,311-48%
Earl Semmel$140,698$79,294-43.6%
Mark E. Peters$80,947$78,565-2.9%
Larry Sager Rev Trustee$67,760$76,08912.3%
Trey Thomas$30,827$74,967143.2%
Brian Sager$74,392$74,4490.1%
Steve Frantz$153,115$71,072-53.6%
Dillon John Hilton$103,832$71,026-31.6%
Kerry Patzkowsky$97,943$70,915-27.6%
C. J. Rose$72,723$70,253-3.4%
Pyle Farms, Inc.$132,568$69,364-47.7%
Rusty Plow Farms, LLC$243,134$68,977-71.6%
Kris Taylor$129,389$68,281-47.2%
Trent D. Watson$94,103$67,112-28.7%
Blaser Farms, Inc.$0$65,942--
Max Huling$114,673$65,242-43.1%
First Security Bank$86,722$64,252-25.9%
Kyle Richard Barby$84,373$64,069-24.1%
Marvin Headrick$129,787$61,933-52.3%
Kachel Family Limited Partnership$56,712$61,5148.5%
Jake Slatten$119,608$59,594-50.2%
Milton Headrick$126,134$59,505-52.8%
Circle B Farms, Inc.$121,315$57,912-52.3%
Mary E. Overton$46,508$57,79424.3%
Karina V. Blaser$122,088$57,005-53.3%
Bernard Wayne Smith Revocable Living Trust$94,056$55,608-40.9%
Nicholas Slovacek$74,370$55,332-25.6%
Mike Wakefield$120,633$54,707-54.7%
Johnnie L. Maschmeier$74,908$53,742-28.3%
Triple F Farms, Inc.$101,402$52,740-48%
Isaacs Farms, LLC$168,094$52,123-69%
Philip Herb Penner$103,617$51,513-50.3%
Lesa Slatten$114,794$50,650-55.9%
Watson Farms, Inc.$93,840$48,159-48.7%
Edward Dunn$56,291$47,308-16%
Long Ranch Family LMTD PTN$120,757$46,779-61.3%
Troy L. Carter$77,830$44,969-42.2%
Eric Lindsey Bond$46,280$44,452-3.9%
Ryan Jerald Radcliff$103,033$44,354-57%
Jim Pugh$72,495$44,271-38.9%
Judith E. Taylor$79,405$44,102-44.5%
John Trotter$26,288$42,90263.2%
Randy Becker$111,587$41,949-62.4%
Steve Cates$80,018$41,036-48.7%
Eric B. Elliott$48,573$40,717-16.2%
Tyler D. McReynolds$151,209$40,475-73.2%
Felice Calhoon Rev Liv Trust$43,450$40,256-7.4%
Rhett J. C. Radcliff$77,316$40,084-48.2%
Maphet Farms$80,743$39,023-51.7%
RMR Partnership$52,965$36,853-30.4%
Richard Isaacs Farms, LLC$146,037$36,792-74.8%
Kathryn L. Mitchell$40,923$34,881-14.8%
Emma Lou Hodges$34,654$33,332-3.8%
Eugene Baker$68,745$31,825-53.7%
Larry Flynt$52,580$31,606-39.9%
Paul W. Barby$32,411$30,827-4.9%
Anthony Devon Adams$42,179$30,779-27%
Cates Farms, Inc.$52,449$30,306-42.2%
Kevin Mitchell$25,110$30,09819.9%
Darrell Devers Liv Trust-Darrell Devers$0$30,012--
Overta Lea Smylie Rvoc Trustee$39,745$29,697-25.3%
Allen Mendenhall Farms, LLC$22,258$29,67733.3%
4-C Cattle Company, LLC$96,892$29,554-69.5%
Parker & Sons, Inc.$69,805$28,928-58.6%
Gene Hester$30,639$27,291-10.9%
Bruce Foster$53,679$27,195-49.3%
Virgil E. Cook$28,318$27,089-4.3%
Vernon Alvin Duerson$43,499$26,123-39.9%
David Brown$91,343$26,089-71.4%
Leslie J. Lynch$29,671$26,064-12.2%
Bob Regier$55,390$25,575-53.8%
Richard Radcliff$27,682$25,385-8.3%
Jim D. Pugh$29,509$25,358-14.1%
Redemer Family Trust$3,036$24,439705%
Thomas Heglin$45,915$24,352-47%
Craig Huebner$42,439$24,006-43.4%
Survivor Land & Cattle, LLC$20,100$23,59417.4%
William D. Kirton$24,098$23,540-2.3%
Shawn D. Campbell$27,858$23,110-17%
Jerald A. Noble$15,336$22,97349.8%
Evelyn L. Dixon$34,208$22,772-33.4%
Donald Brown$54,460$22,376-58.9%
Keith Taylor$71,512$21,404-70.1%
E-F, LLC$21,937$21,275-3%
Stanley K. Foster$56,340$20,557-63.5%
William F. Shepherd$22,989$20,549-10.6%
R. J. Bennett$56,487$20,469-63.8%
Underwood Farms, Inc.$28,043$19,920-29%
Jason Tyler Becker$61,735$19,536-68.4%
Bar 1 Cattle, LLC$36,234$19,487-46.2%
Layne Konkel$31,183$19,007-39%
Wolf Line Cattle Company, LLC$68,460$18,541-72.9%
Michael Joe Albert$40,934$18,472-54.9%
Rodney Albert$44,802$18,461-58.8%
Neva Dorman$29,507$18,270-38.1%
Weber Family, LLC$24,535$18,149-26%
Ronald W. Judy$61,906$17,971-71%
Lynnetta Stout$4,213$17,904325%
Jack H. Hunter$11,500$17,59853%
C. L. Denham$19,990$16,832-15.8%
Chris Grounds$16,587$16,5870%
Randy Cates$28,322$16,585-41.4%
Glenn Raven$396$16,4354,050.3%
James Law$23,628$16,347-30.8%
Jerry R & Sherry D Hodges Family Revoc Trust$15,989$15,9890%
Eugene & Florence Regier Rev Fam Trustee$0$15,859--
H. A. Sprague$0$15,755--
Everett L. Hughes$45,656$14,899-67.4%
Garrell Young$30,974$14,854-52%
Guy W. Payne$47,941$14,612-69.5%
Wendall K. Wehmeier$45,176$14,390-68.1%
Lila Curtis$18,204$14,300-21.4%
Phillip Light Living Trust$10,384$14,16836.4%
Alan W. Regier$51,736$13,999-72.9%
James R. Young$21,159$13,363-36.8%
Gary Henness$13,342$13,3420%
Joseph Ryan Baker$15,800$13,330-15.6%
Adams Cattle Company$102,534$13,138-87.2%
Wilma L Dorman Rvoc Liv Trust Dated 3/3/05$0$12,971--
Kelly Bowers$25,348$12,904-49.1%
Donald J. Knapke$8,654$12,46644%
David Strickland$23,562$12,057-48.8%
Wes Taylor$35,349$11,869-66.4%
Jay V. Rose$32,139$11,817-63.2%
Troy Hoover$17,593$11,603-34%
Lance Millikan$32,447$11,440-64.7%
Daniel Engelman$80,445$11,437-85.8%
Chris D. Berry$20,617$11,283-45.3%
Larry T & Estella Hodges Revocable Family Trust$0$11,208--
Danny Finley$59,164$11,131-81.2%
Eldon Eugene Coldwater$0$11,012--
Jerald R. Radcliff$19,048$10,742-43.6%
Janice Sue Cates$17,754$10,659-40%
Doris Thomas$10,714$10,583-1.2%
Jeff Newby$26,426$10,471-60.4%
Jeremy W. Hogg$63,338$10,467-83.5%
Ted Schmidt$22,731$10,329-54.6%
Mike Albert Test Trust$46,618$10,107-78.3%
Cyishia Marshall$9,726$10,1043.9%
June Smith$22,223$10,003-55%
Calvin T. Madsen$6,631$9,88549.1%
Bill Foster$28,456$9,771-65.7%
Danny Newby$23,142$9,719-58%
Ronald J. Meier$4,726$9,592103%
Kerry D. Regier$14,859$8,943-39.8%
Ramon Castillo$12,362$8,888-28.1%
Perthana Desper$13,274$8,821-33.5%
Franzie P and Leona E Loepp Revoc Fam Trustee$0$8,759--
John Savage$7,568$8,42811.4%
Brown Farm & Ranch, Inc.$7,167$8,40417.3%
Dennis Ben Zimmerman$11,419$8,387-26.6%
Bryan Estes$35,230$8,141-76.9%
Diamond J. Farms$22,599$8,012-64.5%
Dennis Loepp$8,640$8,010-7.3%
Duane Meier$5,144$7,98355.2%
Terry Kile$5,976$7,86331.6%
Linda Spurgeon$23,495$7,849-66.6%
Jack Reddick$7,572$7,5720%
Berends-Husted-Whiteley Ranch, LLC$57,037$7,504-86.8%
Cody James Hessman$0$7,282--
D - J Herefords, LLP$33,198$7,275-78.1%
Roberta Cantwell$25,574$7,225-71.7%
Larry Millikan$16,590$7,199-56.6%
Clefton L Lynch Revoc Living Trust$0$7,008--
Andy H. Bridwell$42,929$6,995-83.7%
Jerald D. Bennett$22,386$6,798-69.6%
Lance Alan Millikan$0$6,784--
Vickie Lea Eccles$7,420$6,751-9%
Clara Lou Gregg$4,046$6,74666.7%
Tanner Carter$11,531$6,515-43.5%
Raymond Lee Wallace$29,333$6,447-78%
Trudi M. Brown$8,032$6,434-19.9%
Victor Maphet$15,169$6,374-58%
Wanda Shuey$6,337$6,3370%
Jimmie J. Bennett$12,496$6,238-50.1%
Johnny Watson$499$6,2121,144.9%
Jim Watson$0$6,203--
William Stout$20,423$6,188-69.7%
Alan Hodges$6,186$6,1860%
Jerry Don Hodges$6,180$6,1800%
Carolyn J. Ritterbush$6,050$6,0500%
Puri Plett$15,457$6,015-61.1%
Sonja Frantz$8,095$5,987-26%
Richard H. Dorman II$0$5,930--
Jeremy Foster$16,605$5,894-64.5%
David Kay Ireland II$8,724$5,814-33.4%
Brian Starr$12,105$5,699-52.9%
Patricia Kinsey Living Trust$9,719$5,666-41.7%
Brent Howard$29,986$5,487-81.7%
Shirley Jo Rigdon$0$5,484--
Clear Creek Ranch$14,952$5,344-64.3%
Joe E & Helen I Eaton Living Trust$0$5,333--
Michael O. Campbell$6,252$5,169-17.3%
Martin Alonso Baeza Paredes$13,532$5,155-61.9%
Linda Plett Revoc Living Trust$14,715$5,153-65%
Glenn R. Miller$7,882$5,068-35.7%
Steven Perry$1,518$4,915223.8%
Gate Community Center$4,892$4,8920%
Shane Mathis$3,201$4,86952.1%
Bill Golightly$0$4,791--
Jacob Zielke$11,297$4,730-58.1%
Darrel W. Glenn$4,689$4,6890%
Jerry Edwards$7,654$4,633-39.5%
Cliff Wakefield$9,462$4,607-51.3%
Andrew M. O'Reilly$9,496$4,466-53%
Jason Weber$5,992$4,444-25.8%
Pebble R Cullum$4,423$4,4230%
Leilani O'Reilly$1,045$4,368318%
Larry and or Dorothy Cornelson$4,353$4,3530%
Donna Evans Rev Living Trust$7,458$4,315-42.1%
Farm Service Agency/Commodity Credit Corporation$0$4,278--
Kevin Nelson$22,393$4,170-81.4%
Danny Getz$5,712$4,140-27.5%
Trent Taylor$11,274$4,136-63.3%
Harry Steven Randels$2,351$4,07273.2%
Russell Leisher$9,460$4,054-57.1%
Betty Janzen Rev Living Trust$0$4,046--
Betty Stickler - Stickler Family Trust$0$4,036--
Mark Zielke$12,530$3,994-68.1%
Betty L. Headrick$5,221$3,939-24.6%
Michael Dunsworth$4,458$3,927-11.9%
Jerry Evans Rev Living Trust$6,366$3,904-38.7%
Ervin Buller Living Trust$22,390$3,875-82.7%
Del Roy Spurgeon$7,377$3,860-47.7%
Dallas Priest$6,419$3,814-40.6%
Melvin Chaloupek$3,102$3,71019.6%
Denny Nelson$13,818$3,694-73.3%
Chad Dome$5,470$3,667-33%
Rubeinna Buller Living Trust Dated 11-3-1999$0$3,649--
Lynn Jones$12,470$3,472-72.2%
Carl D Ohair Revocable Living Trust Dated May 11$0$3,442--
Gilbert Perkins$9,009$3,429-61.9%
Sharon R. Higby$2,882$3,39517.8%
Bradford Lumley$1,584$3,361112.2%
Gaye Hershey$2,224$3,22745.1%
Kevin Priest$5,830$3,225-44.7%
Ethel Abel Estate$0$3,198--
Bryan M. Boyd$32,390$3,192-90.1%
RS Livestock, LLC$34,594$3,162-90.9%
Helen Harper$3,111$3,1110%
JBL Farm, Inc.$5,921$3,098-47.7%
Janyth Kay Jackson$7,274$2,935-59.7%
Alvin & Ruby Matkin Revoc Trust$2,875$2,8760%
Kale Andrew Moore$3,428$2,832-17.4%
Dan J. Lewis$2,811$2,8110%
Bill Nichols$0$2,758--
Read Cates$7,260$2,750-62.1%
Heitschmidt Family Rev Trustee$4,247$2,738-35.5%
Fred R. Chockley$17,810$2,714-84.8%
Coy J. Berends$11,533$2,573-77.7%
Paul Blaser Estate$0$2,568--
Ellen L. Pelton$2,559$2,5590%
Johan Rempel$6,458$2,515-61.1%
Dirk Edward Stanley$0$2,310--
Merlene Sharp Rev Living Trust$6,410$2,287-64.3%
Jason Pelton$0$2,255--
Kent Martin$0$2,227--
Rilla R Semmel$13,596$2,211-83.7%
Dan Duerson$11,111$2,133-80.8%
Jackson Land & Cattle Company$14,696$2,104-85.7%
CRM, LLC$4,425$2,101-52.5%
Suzanne Albert$6,385$2,064-67.7%
Chase Leroy Huebner$3,773$2,043-45.9%
Randy Dingman$3,563$2,025-43.2%
Daisy Maphet$1,504$2,00533.3%
Kacee Jo Mosburg$26,400$1,976-92.5%
Charles William Delay$3,883$1,976-49.1%
George & Shirley Kroeker Rev Trustee$1,915$1,9150%
Mcdonald Family, LLC$1,573$1,84417.2%
Debra M. Evans$2,956$1,839-37.8%
Denise Janko$5,846$1,831-68.7%
Clinton Haskell$0$1,821--
Jetta Headrick$4,528$1,770-60.9%
Marieta Cates Irrev Living Trustee$4,601$1,767-61.6%
Lynn Bobbitt$7,599$1,716-77.4%
Joy Fitts$3,555$1,707-52%
Gary D. Riffe$1,690$1,6900%
Trapper Ericson Bond$0$1,675--
Berdie Duerson$0$1,666--
Jim Lockhart$1,389$1,65919.4%
Jane Headrick$4,015$1,642-59.1%
Vernon Duerson Irrevocable Trust$2,724$1,630-40.2%
Donna Long$3,105$1,622-47.8%
Troy Kirkhart$3,303$1,616-51.1%
Glen A. Kirkendall$7,189$1,560-78.3%
Catrina O'Reilly$0$1,545--
Rod Yates$3,318$1,532-53.8%
Arline G. Looper$1,531$1,5310%
Eb Lennon Fam Trustee Dated May 2013$2,318$1,523-34.3%
Keith Taylor Trust$2,839$1,504-47%
Mike Isaacs$2,364$1,461-38.2%
Damon Rigdon$0$1,458--
Rodney J. Barby$3,949$1,402-64.5%
David W. Johnson$6,867$1,372-80%
Merlin Gene Reynolds$5,520$1,350-75.5%
Roger D. Grice$13,455$1,316-90.2%
Michael T. Boston$0$1,309--
Bridenstine Farms, Inc.$9,611$1,308-86.4%
Jacque R. Estrada$7,017$1,288-81.6%
Jerad Noble$3,515$1,217-65.4%
Deborah Carter$14,598$1,196-91.8%
Jerry Sorter$1,098$1,0980%
Larry Sorter$1,098$1,0980%
Terry Sorter$1,098$1,0980%
Christopher W. Marshall$2,960$1,091-63.1%
William & Fern Hamilton Trust$2,328$1,070-54%
Robert Heglin$2,766$1,068-61.4%
Howard A. Dunn$601$1,03472%
Reuben Anderson Parker Jr.$2,310$1,013-56.1%
Jane Ulibarri$1,659$1,007-39.3%
Turpin Mennonite Church$0$1,000--
Dewayne Marshall$0$958--
Ashley L. Wilhelm$0$954--
Speer Family Partnership$4,383$936-78.6%
Veda J. King$1,387$877-36.8%
Franzie & Leona Loepp Rev Trustee$0$871--
Ruby L. Harrington$593$84943.2%
Geraland Bond$782$7820%
James O. Hessman$3,702$780-78.9%
Kevin Getz$769$7690%
Garrett Lane Zielke$4,389$768-82.5%
Kathleen M. Westenhaver$762$7620%
Philip W. Penrose$0$747--
Mary Ellen Sager Rev Trustee$2,713$738-72.8%
Duane Headrick$0$738--
Stephen Headrick$0$738--
Mary Winter$1,311$736-43.9%
Jess Brown IRRV Trustee$4,846$726-85%
Billy Cates$1,858$712-61.7%
Shelia C. Lusk$1,858$712-61.7%
Joy Savage$3,716$711-80.9%
Troy W. Flowers$1,749$658-62.4%
Tammie Patzkowsky$1,416$646-54.4%
Frank Williams$1,713$640-62.6%
Steven Strickland$0$628--
Terry Gene Boyd$1,726$592-65.7%
Guy Pugh$7,259$566-92.2%
Chad Michael Parker$1,551$565-63.6%
Linda L. Downing$1,336$545-59.2%
Ragan IRR Trust$1,058$518-51%
Jimmie Hershey$916$514-43.9%
Nancy Davis$2,247$488-78.3%
Michael Baker$646$485-24.9%
Mccayla Brown$2,101$474-77.4%
Gary Mathews$1,153$472-59.1%
Dennis V. Andrews$3,075$463-84.9%
M. C. James$2,891$456-84.2%
Wyvonna Julene Meier$6,938$450-93.5%
Jess Osborn$957$449-53.1%
Jason Badley$990$436-56%
Marty Osborn$1,056$429-59.4%
Greggory McReynolds$3,013$422-86%
Jimmy A. Dixon$2,097$397-81.1%
Henry Evans$6,291$380-94%
Richard Pelton$0$379--
Linda Moeller$318$3180%
Leo Von Plett Estate$1,222$300-75.5%
Janet D. Lewis$404$290-28.2%
Shauna Nichols$495$275-44.4%
Eric Cline$1,963$273-86.1%
Teresa Stout$1,096$265-75.8%
Larry Jan Johnson Estate$0$256--
Jose Naudina Chavez$2,271$254-88.8%
Neill Myers$643$239-62.8%
Weldon D. Parker$239$2390%
Russell E. Isaacs$229$2290%
Gene Hester$0$211--
Joyce A. Feltner$277$208-24.9%
Elaine Taylor Fritzson$1,375$196-85.7%
Cristin B Redemer$178$1780%
John David Lehnert$2,238$176-92.1%
Brandi Rochelle Parker$322$157-51.2%
Laurette Bobbitt$3,870$111-97.1%
Ronald Kuykendall$162$85-47.5%
Carolyn Jines$162$85-47.5%
Sue A. Holloway$76$38-50%
Albert Brent Hodges$5,625$34-99.4%
Max Underwood$1,054$34-96.8%
4-G Construction, Inc.$5,332$0-100%
Aline Sue Mitchell$20,017$0-100%
Amos Tindle Pittman Family, LLC$23,136$0-100%
Bank of Beaver City$2,700$0-100%
Bobby Wilson$262$0-100%
Bobby Wilson Estate$1,726$0-100%
Bonna Nichols$7,334$0-100%
Brent Nichols$7,140$0-100%
Brian Costner$680$0-100%
C. W. Thomas$867$0-100%
Carol Stapp$1,871$0-100%
CD & Neva Eudey Family Rev Trustee$19,504$0-100%
Cindy Engelman$19,358$0-100%
Darrell Devers Liv Trust-Darrell$43,351$0-100%
Donald Eyer$5,111$0-100%
Doyle Stapp$7,776$0-100%
Gary Nichols$6,273$0-100%
Imogene Hatcher$753$0-100%
J. D. Cole$3,505$0-100%
Janice M. Goetzinger$827$0-100%
Maple Yl Ranch$916$0-100%
Mark Kinsey$2,223$0-100%
Norman L. Getz$3,786$0-100%
Robert Goetzinger$18,250$0-100%
Robert Millikan$1,064$0-100%
Steven and Billie Perry PTR$1,281$0-100%
Terry Millikan$1,523$0-100%
Wilma - Mayo Rev Trust June Mayo$15,095$0-100%
Blake Nichols$2,337$0-100%
Carl & Norma Jean Huling Fam Trustee$8,326$0-100%
Dorothy J. Coldwater$64,033$0-100%
Dorothy Jean Coldwater$617$0-100%
Janet Hodges$983$0-100%
Kolt Landon Hayes$421$0-100%
Larry Don Hodges$3,325$0-100%
Larry T & Estella Hodges Revocabl$11,208$0-100%
Linda C. Heitschmidt$1,725$0-100%
Merton van Fredenberg$1,105$0-100%
Rosa Carol Eagan - Gale & Rosa Ea$4,959$0-100%
Terrance Michael Rine$1,398$0-100%
Wilma L Dorman Rvoc Liv Trust Dat$12,971$0-100%
Bernard Wayne Smith Revocable Liv$1,138$0-100%
Irene Dunn$2,515$0-100%
Dace Green$2,066$0-100%
Leon Albert$276$0-100%
Marilyn Borell$1,038$0-100%
Allen E. Mendenhall$3,570$0-100%
Betty Stickler - Stickler Family$40,841$0-100%
Carl & Norma J Huling Fam Revoc T$3,635$0-100%
Carl and Norma J Huling Fam Trust$4,740$0-100%
Clefton L Lynch Revoc Living Trus$14,095$0-100%
Eugene & Florence Regier Rev Fam$30,276$0-100%
James B. Brown$3,042$0-100%
Joe E & Helen I Eaton Living Trus$5,333$0-100%
Justin L. Sawyers$2,108$0-100%
Lynch Family Limited Partnership$1,033$0-100%
Margaret Light Living Trust$2,956$0-100%
Mildred Hanlon$1,145$0-100%
Richards Farms$73,871$0-100%
Rick Brown$3,042$0-100%
Rubeinna Buller Living Trust Date$9,459$0-100%
Serena Caudell$4,914$0-100%
Stickler Farms, Inc.$80,662$0-100%
Strickland Farms$14,053$0-100%
Total subsidies$14,810,465$7,590,850-48.7%



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